3 Jesus Christ: Must we?

3 Jesus Christ: Must we?
Holy Moly
3 Jesus Christ: Must we?

Jan 07 2023 | 00:07:22

Episode 3 January 07, 2023 00:07:22

Show Notes

Through the work of self-purification, we will raise our level of consciousness to such a degree that we will be open for truth, about anything. This includes the truth about who Jesus Christ was and the role he played in the history of Creation. Naturally, the question arises, “So can we only get back to God and re-attain perfection by way of Jesus Christ?” The answer is this: Yes and No. It’s a paradox, but indeed, both answers are correct.

Believe it or not, you can get to Heaven through any of the world’s great religions—including the non-Christian ones in which you can find absolute truth. You don’t need to leave your church or temple or faith. If you are being spiritually fed in the faith you are accustomed, stay there. There is enough basic truth in any of them. You just need to find out what the truths are that you need for your own personal development. And then actually put them into practice.

If we do the work of self-finding through our religion, it will satisfy our spirit. But being comfortable is not enough. We need to purify our Lower Self and crucify the ego. Those are the all-important things. Wherever and however we find the necessary help to accomplish this doesn’t much matter, even if Jesus Christ is not a part of the equation.

Through the work of self-purification, we will raise our level of consciousness to such a degree that we will be open for truth, about anything—including the truth about who Christ was and the role he played in the history of Creation. So no, we don’t need to recognize Jesus Christ right now to reach God. Realize too, the perception of absolute truth in any respect isn’t going to come overnight. It takes many, many lifetimes. Unfortunately, few people are in this business of cleaning house.

Listen and learn more.

Read Holy Moly, Chapter 3: Must We?

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